The Service Composer Example

This example creates a family of scripts using the EDSL API, and in particular the Dispatcher_script and Script_with_describe modules.

A simple way to generate and install the scripts is:

dune build $genspio_service_composer
$genspio_service_composer --name cosc --output-path $BINNPATH

The cosc* scripts will be installed and ready to use in $BINPATH as long as the path is part of the $PATH variable. Then one can just try:

cosc --help

Quite a few scripts will have been created:


The scripts generated with Dispatcher_script also know about aliases, e.g. cosc config show is actually able to call cosc-configuration-display.

open! Base
module Filename = Caml.Filename

let ( // ) = Filename.concat
let msg fmt = Fmt.kstr (Fmt.epr "%s\n%!") fmt

module Gedsl = Genspio.EDSL

let cmdf fmt =
    (fun s ->
      match Caml.Sys.command s with
      | 0 -> ()
      | other -> Fmt.kstr failwith "CMD: %S failed with %d" s other)

module Version = struct
  let version =
        gettimeofday () |> gmtime
        |> fun {tm_sec; tm_min; tm_hour; tm_mday; tm_mon; tm_year; _} ->
        Fmt.str "%4d%02d%02d.%02d%02d%02d" (1900 + tm_year) (1 + tm_mon)
          tm_mday tm_hour tm_min tm_sec)

  let get () = Lazy.force version
  let str () = Gedsl.str (get ())

A lot of (too much?) attention has been spent making the “root” name of the scripts parametrizable (the string cosc in the example above).

The Script module wraps the scripts as “relative” paths, descriptions, and the actual script contents.

module Script = struct
  type t =
    { relative_path: string list
    ; description: string
    ; make: root:string -> unit Gedsl.t }

  let make relative_path ~description make = {relative_path; description; make}


See below what relative_path means:

let path =
  output_path // String.concat ~sep:"-" (root :: t.relative_path)

The function write is the only real I/O of this whole OCaml program.

  let write ?(compiler = `Slow_flow) t ~output_path ~root =
    let path =
      output_path // String.concat ~sep:"-" (root :: t.relative_path) in
    let o = Caml.open_out path in
    msg "Outputting “%s” to %s\n%!" t.description path ;
    ( match compiler with
    | `Slow_flow ->
            (Caml.Format.formatter_of_out_channel o)
            "#!/bin/sh\n\n%a\n" Genspio.Compile.To_slow_flow.Script.pp_posix
               (t.make ~root |> Genspio.Transform.Constant_propagation.process)))
    | `Standard ->
        Caml.Printf.fprintf o "#!/bin/sh\n\n%s\n"
          (Genspio.Compile.to_many_lines (t.make ~root)) ) ;
    Caml.close_out o ; cmdf "chmod +x %s" path

Configuration of the scripts is bootstrapped with an environment variable, which gives the script a root-path to start from. Then, the remaining configuration lies in files within the root path, it is editable by the scripts (e.g. with cosc config init, cosc config addjob, etc.).

module Environment = struct
  type t =
    { prefix: string
    ; default_screen_name: string option
    ; default_configuration_path: string }

  let make ?default_screen_name
      ?(default_configuration_path = "/tmp/service_composer_config.d") prefix =
    {default_screen_name; default_configuration_path; prefix}

  open Gedsl


The function posixish_hash creates a script that uses POSIX's cksum to output a stronger hash.

  let posixish_hash path =
    let cksum = call [str "cksum"] in
      [ call [str "cat"; path] ||> cksum
      ; call [str "cat"; path]
        ||> exec ["tr"; "0123456789a-z"; "98765A-Z43210"]
        ||> cksum ]
    ||> exec ["tr"; "-d"; "\\n "]

  let env_or s default_value =
    let g = getenv (str s) in
         Str.(g =$= str "")
         (exec ["printf"; "%s"; default_value])
         (call [str "printf"; str "%s"; g]))

  let var_configuration_path t = t.prefix ^ "_root"

  let configuration_path t =
    env_or (var_configuration_path t) t.default_configuration_path

  let make_default_screen_name t =
    match t.default_screen_name with
    | Some s -> str s
    | None ->
        let tmp = tmp_file "make-default-screen-name" in
          [ printf (str "session-") []
          ; write_stdout ~path:tmp#path
                 [ printf (str "%s\\n%s\\n%s\\n")
                     [ str t.prefix
                     ; str t.default_configuration_path
                     ; configuration_path t ] ])
          ; posixish_hash tmp#path ]
        |> get_stdout_one_line

  let screen_name_path t = configuration_path t /// str "screen-session-name"

  let init ?screen_name t =
      [ ("mkdir-path", mkdir_p @@ configuration_path t)
      ; ( "set-screen-name"
        , write_stdout ~path:(screen_name_path t)
            (printf (str "%s\\n")
               [Option.value screen_name ~default:(make_default_screen_name t)])
        ) ]

  let is_initialized t =
    call [str "test"; str "-s"; screen_name_path t] |> succeeds_silently

  let ensure_init t =
    if_then_else (is_initialized t) nop
         [ say "Configuration is not initialized (%s)" [configuration_path t]
         ; fail "ERROR: Not-initialized" ])

  let screen_name t =
      (seq [ensure_init t; call [string "cat"; screen_name_path t]])

  let on_jobs t f =
    let open Gedsl in
      [str "find"; configuration_path t; str "-name"; str "*.job"; str "-print"]
    ||> on_stdin_lines f

  let display t =
    let open Gedsl in
    let env_var v default =
      say " * `%s`, value: '%s' (default: %s)"
        [str (v t); getenv (str (v t)); str default] in
      [ say "Environment variables: " []
        (* ; env_var var_screen_name t.default_screen_name *)
      ; env_var var_configuration_path t.default_configuration_path
      ; if_seq (is_initialized t)
          ~t:[say "Screen session name: '%s'" [screen_name t]]
          ~e:[say "Screen session name not initialized." []] ]

The output of the cosc manual command is the processed content of the Manual._global_ variable; a list of Markdown strings, accumulated throughout this file.

module Manual = struct
  type item =
    | Raw of string
    | Root_env of (root:string -> Environment.t -> item list)
    | Extended of {yes: item list; no: item list}

  let _global_ : item list ref = ref []
  let add l = _global_ := !_global_ @ l
  let raw s = Raw s
  let from f = [Root_env f]
  let extended ?(no = []) yes = [Extended {yes; no}]
  let raws l = l ~f:raw
  let title s = raws [s; String.make (String.length s) '='; ""]
  let section s = raws [s; String.make (String.length s) '-'; ""]

  let wrap ?(indent = 0) ?(columns = 72) s =
    let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
    let indentation = String.make indent ' ' in
    let rec assemble col = function
      | [] -> ()
      | one :: more ->
          let potential = col + String.length one + 1 in
          if potential > columns then (
            Buffer.add_string buf ("\n" ^ indentation ^ one) ;
            assemble (String.length one) more )
          else (
            Buffer.add_string buf ((if col = 0 then "" else " ") ^ one) ;
            assemble potential more ) in
    let words =
      String.split s ~on:' ' |> ~f:String.strip
      |> List.filter ~f:String.(( <> ) "") in
    assemble 0 words ; Buffer.contents buf

  let par s = raws [wrap s; ""]
  let code_block s = raws (["```"] @ s @ ["```"; ""])

  let list l =
    raws ( l ~f:(fun p -> Fmt.str "* %s" (wrap ~indent:2 p)) @ [""])

  let pre_title root = String.uppercase root

  let () =
    @@ from (fun ~root _ ->
           Fmt.kstr title "%s: Compose Processes With Screen" (pre_title root))
    @ from (fun ~root env ->
          Fmt.kstr par
            "The `%s*` scripts are a family of POSIX shell executables that \
             manage a set of long running processes in a GNU-Screen session. \
             Current version is `%s`."
            Version.(get ())
          @ Fmt.kstr par
              "The  configuration is stored in a directory: the root path can \
               be itself configured with the `$%s` environment variable \
               (default value: `%s`). One edits the configuration by calling \
               `%s config {addjob,initialize,destroy,…}`, and displays it \
               with `%s config show`."
              (Environment.var_configuration_path env)
              env.Environment.default_configuration_path root root
          @ par
              "The scripts are generated by an OCaml program which uses the \
               [Genspio]( EDSL/library. \
               The code generator serves as one of the usage examples of the \
               library, see its \
          @ Fmt.kstr par
              "The code generator can also be used to change a few parameters \
               like the “name-prefix” (`%s` here), or the default value \
               of the configuration path (`%s`). This can be useful to build \
               custom/project-specific scripts that can remain independent \
               from each other without setting an environment variable."
              root env.Environment.default_configuration_path)
    @ extended
        ( section "Installation"
        @ from (fun ~root _ ->
              Fmt.kstr par
                "Simply copy `%s*` to somewhere in your `$PATH`, the scripts \
                 depend on a reasonably valid version of `/bin/sh` and GNU \
              @ Fmt.kstr par
                  "If you are using the code-generator, you can just point \
                   the `--output-path` option at the right directory.") )
    @ section "Usage"
    @ from (fun ~root _ ->
          let intro fmt =
              (Fmt.kstr par
                 "The basic manual is obtained from the `%s man` command.%s"
              fmt in
               " The, present, “``” version is the result of \
                `%s man --extended`."
            ~no:(intro "")
          @ Fmt.kstr par
              "Then, see `%s --help` first, or for any sub-command try \
               `%s <command> --help`."
              root root)
    @ section "Screen Session Isolation"
    @ from (fun ~root _ ->
          Fmt.kstr par
            "`%s` isolates Screen sessions by using their session name." root
          @ Fmt.kstr par
              "The screen session name can be configured a 2 levels:"
          @ list
              [ Fmt.str
                  "At script-generation time, one can set the default-value \
                   (with the option `--screen-name`)."
              ; Fmt.str
                  "At configuration time, one can overwrite the value with \
                   `-S`, see `%s config init --help`."
                  root ]
          @ Fmt.kstr par
              "If none of those two options is provided, `%s config init` \
               will generate a name, which is function of the root path and \
               generation parameters and tries to ensure that the session is \
               unique on the host."
    @ extended
        ( section "Docker Image For the Generator"
        @ from (fun ~root:_ _ ->
              let image = "smondet/genspio-doc-dockerfiles:apps406" in
              Fmt.kstr par
                "If you have [`opam`](, setting up the \
                 genspio repository is easy (only simple, pure OCaml \
                 dependencies), if not, or if you just like Docker™, the \
                 generator is available in the `%s` image, see:"
              @ code_block
                  [ Fmt.str "docker run -it %s genspio-service-composer --help"
                      image ]) )

  let output ~root ~env extended =
    let open Gedsl in
    let rec one = function
      | Raw s -> printf (str "%s\\n") [str s]
      | Root_env f -> seq @@ ~f:one (f ~root env)
      | Extended {yes; no} ->
          if_seq extended ~t:( ~f:one yes) ~e:( ~f:one no)
    seq ( !_global_ ~f:one)

The Job module provides Genspio expressions to uniformly define the notion of “job:” a process attached to a given screen window, with potential log-keeping.

Within the “root” configuration path, a give job “TheJob” is attached to a few files:

module Job = struct
  open Gedsl

  let name path =
    call [str "basename"; path]
    ||> exec ["sed"; "s/.job$//"]
    |> get_stdout_one_line

  let command path = call [str "cat"; path] |> get_stdout_one_line

  let job_path env name =
    Environment.configuration_path env /// (name ^$^ str ".job")

  let run_path env name =
    Environment.configuration_path env /// (name ^$^ str "")

  let log_path env name =
    Environment.configuration_path env /// (name ^$^ str ".log")

  let pid_path env name =
    Environment.configuration_path env /// (name ^$^ str ".pid")

  module Options = struct
    let path env name =
      Environment.configuration_path env /// (name ^$^ str ".options")

    let write ~no_log env name =
        [ say "Writing options: %s" [path env name]
        ; write_stdout ~path:(path env name)
               [ if_then_else no_log
                   (printf (str "no_log=true\\n") [])
                   (printf (str "no_log=false\\n") []) ]) ]

    let no_log env name =
      greps_to (str "no_log=true") @@ call [str "cat"; path env name]

  let get_pid env name =
    let pid = pid_path env name in
    call [str "cat"; pid] |> get_stdout_one_line

  let ps env name ~o = call [str "ps"; str "-q"; get_pid env name; str "-o"; o]
  let ps_stat_exec env name = ps env name ~o:(str "stat=")
  let ps_stat env name = ps_stat_exec env name |> get_stdout_one_line

  let ps_stat_or_fail env name =
    let pid = pid_path env name in
      (file_exists pid &&& succeeds_silently (ps_stat_exec env name))
      (ps_stat_exec env name)
      (seq [printf (str "None") []; exit 2])

  let ps_cpu env name = ps ~o:(str "cpu=") env name |> get_stdout_one_line
  let is_running env name = succeeds_silently (ps_stat_or_fail env name)

  let run_script env name =
    let runner = run_path env name in
    let mk =
        [ write_stdout ~path:runner
               [ printf (str "#!/bin/sh\\n") []
               ; printf (str "# Script generated by %s\\n") [getenv (str "0")]
               ; printf (str "printf \"$$\" > %s\\n") [pid_path env name]
               ; printf
                   (str "printf \"# Starting on $(date)\\n\" > %s\\n")
                   [log_path env name]
               ; if_seq (Options.no_log env name)
                   ~t:[printf (str "sh %s\\n") [job_path env name]]
                     [ printf
                         (str "{ sh %s 2>&1 ; } | tee -a %s\\n")
                         [job_path env name; log_path env name] ] ]) ] in
    (mk, runner)

  let delete env name =
    let rm p = verbose_call ~prefix:"  -> " [str "rm"; str "-f"; p] in
      ( ~f:rm
         [ job_path env name; log_path env name; pid_path env name
         ; run_path env name; Options.path env name ])

The Screen module contains Genspio expressions to manipulate a GNU-Screen session, see the relevant manual.

module Screen = struct
  open Gedsl

  let ls env = call [str "screen"; str "-ls"; Environment.screen_name env]
  let is_on env = ls env |> succeeds_silently

  let call ?verbose env l =
    verbose_call ?verbose
      ([str "screen"; str "-S"; Environment.screen_name env] @ l)

  let window_name job = str "J:" ^$^ job

  let ensure_running env =
    if_seq (is_on env)
      ~t:[say "Screen session is running." []]
      ~e:[call env [str "-d"; str "-m"]]

The Scripts

All the *_script modules define one actual script to be generated.

module Configuration_script = struct
  let description = "Manage the configuration."
  let name = "configuration"

  let make () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root ->
              [ (str "show", str "display")
              ; (str "rmjob", str "removejob")
              ; (str "init", str "initialize") ]
          ~name:(Fmt.str "%s-%s" root name)
          ~description ())

module Manual_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "manual" let description = "Show the manual."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--extended"; "-X"] ~doc:"Provide extra information."
          & flag ["--no-pager"] ~doc:"Do not use a pager."
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ extended no_pager describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [Manual.output ~root ~env extended ||> pager ~disable:no_pager ()]))

module Version_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "version" let description = "Show the version information."

  let make ~env:_ () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--extended"; "-X"] ~doc:"Provide extra information"
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ extended describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ if_seq extended
                    [ say "%s %s (Genspio %s)"
                        [str root; Version.str (); str Genspio.Meta.version] ]
                  ~e:[say "%s" [Version.str ()]] ]))

module Init_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "initialize" let description = "Initialize the configuration."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make ["configuration"; name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
            ["--screen-session-name"; "-S"]
                 "Set the screen session name (the default is a function of \
                  the root path and other constants of the script)")
            ~default:(Environment.make_default_screen_name env)
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ screen_name describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [Environment.init ~screen_name env; say "Done." []]))

module Add_job_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "addjob" let description = "Add a job to the configuration."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make ["configuration"; name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let default_none = str "--none--" in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          string ["--name"] ~doc:"Job name" ~default:default_none
          & string ["--command"; "-c"] ~doc:"Job command" ~default:default_none
          & string ["--interpreter"; "-i"]
              ~doc:"Job interpreter (default: sh -c)" ~default:(str "sh -c")
          & flag ["--no-log"]
                "Don't save logs (useful for commands that grab the terminal \
                 like `top`)"
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts
          (fun ~anon:_ name shell_command interpreter no_log describe ->
            let jpath = Job.job_path env name in
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ if_then
                  Str.(name =$= default_none)
                  (fail "option --name is mandatory")
              ; if_then
                  Str.(shell_command =$= default_none)
                  (fail "option --command is mandatory")
              ; mkdir_p @@ Environment.configuration_path env
              ; Job.Options.write ~no_log env name
              ; say "Creating %s" [jpath]
              ; write_stdout ~path:jpath
                     [ interpreter >> exec ["cat"]
                     ; str " '" >> exec ["cat"]
                     ; shell_command >> exec ["sed"; "s/'/'\\\\''/g"]
                     ; str "'\n" >> exec ["cat"] ])
              ; say "Done." [] ]))

module Remove_job_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "removejob"
    let description = "Remove one or more jobs from the configuration."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make ["configuration"; name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts = describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ Elist.iter anon ~f:(fun name ->
                      [ (let path = Job.job_path env (name ()) in
                         if_seq (file_exists path)
                             [ say "Removing %s..." [name ()]
                             ; Job.delete env (name ()) ]
                           ~e:[say "Job %s does not seem to exist..." [name ()]])
              ; say "Done." [] ]))

module Start_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "start" let description = "Start all or a given list of jobs."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--all"] ~doc:"Start all jobs"
          & describe_option_and_usage ()
                [ "Use"
                ; Fmt.str "  %s %s --all" env.Environment.prefix name
                ; "or"
                ; Fmt.str "  %s %s Job1 .. JobN" env.Environment.prefix name ]
        let start_one name =
          if_then_else (Job.is_running env name)
            (say "* Job '%s' is already running!" [name])
            (let mk, runpath = Job.run_script env name in
               [ mk
               ; if_seq
                   (file_exists (Job.job_path env name))
                     [ say "* Starting '%s' in Screen window: '%s'"
                         [name; Screen.window_name name]
                     ; env
                         [ str "-X"; str "screen"; str "-t"
                         ; Screen.window_name name; str "sh"; runpath ] ]
                   ~e:[say "* Job '%s' is not configured!" [name]] ]) in
        parse opts (fun ~anon all describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ Screen.ensure_running env
              ; if_seq all
                    [ say "Starting all jobs from %s"
                        [Environment.configuration_path env]
                    ; Environment.on_jobs env (fun path ->
                          let name = path in
                          start_one name) ]
                    [ Elist.iter anon ~f:(fun item ->
                          let name = item () in
                          seq [say "Starting job '%s':" [name]; start_one name])
              ; say "Done." [] ]))

module Configuration_display_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "display" let description = "Show the configuration."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make ["configuration"; name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts = describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ describe ->
            let path = Environment.configuration_path env in
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ say "Configuration path: %s" [path]
              ; Environment.display env
              ; if_seq (is_directory path)
                    [ Environment.on_jobs env (fun path ->
                               "Job: '%s'\\n |-> Command: [%s]\\n |-> \
                                Options: %s\\n")
                            [ path; Job.command path
                            ; call
                                [ str "cat"
                                ; Job.Options.path env ( path) ]
                              ||> exec ["tr"; "\\n"; ","]
                              |> get_stdout ]) ]
                  ~e:[say "Configuration is empty (not even a directory)" []]

module Configuration_destroy_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "destroy" let description = "Destroy the configuration."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make ["configuration"; name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts = describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ describe ->
            let path = Environment.configuration_path env in
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ say "Configuration path: %s" [path]
              ; if_seq (is_directory path)
                  ~t:[verbose_call [str "rm"; str "-fr"; path]]
                    [ say "Configuration is not even a directory: %s" [path]
                    ; fail "FAILURE" ] ]))

module Attach_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "attach" let description = "Attach to the Screen being managed."

  let go env create =
    let open Gedsl in
      [ if_seq (Screen.is_on env)
            [ say "Attaching to screen: %s" [Environment.screen_name env]
            ; env [str "-x"] ]
            [ if_seq create
                  [ say "Creating screen: %s" [Environment.screen_name env]
                  ; env [] ]
                  [ say "There is no screen: %s" [Environment.screen_name env]
                  ; fail "STOPPING" ] ] ]

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--create"] ~doc:"Create if it doesn't exist."
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ create describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe [go env create]))

module Kill_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "kill"
    let description = "Kill Jobs or the whole Screen session (-a)."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--all"; "-a"] ~doc:"Kill everything, incl. the Screen session"
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        let kills = tmp_file "kill-list" in
        parse opts (fun ~anon kill_em_all describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ if_seq kill_em_all
                  ~t:[ env [str "-X"; str "quit"]]
                    [ kills#set (str "")
                    ; Elist.iter anon ~f:(fun item ->
                            [ say "## Processing %s" [item ()]
                            ; if_seq
                                ( env
                                    [ str "-Q"; str "-p"
                                    ; Screen.window_name (item ())
                                    ; str "-X"; str "info" ]
                                |> succeeds_silently )
                                  [ say "-> Window found, killing now." []
                                  ; env
                                      [ str "-p"
                                      ; Screen.window_name (item ())
                                      ; str "-X"; str "kill" ]
                                  ; kills#set (str "yes") ]
                                  [ say "-> Window for job '%s' not found!"
                                      [item ()] ] ])
                    ; if_seq
                        Str.(kills#get =$= str "")
                        ~t:[say "Nothing was killed …" []] ] ]))

module Logs_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "logs" let description = "Show logs for one or more jobs."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--path"] ~doc:"Only output a path on stdout"
          & flag ["--screen"]
                "Get the screen window dump instead of the (potential) log file"
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        let cat_file job lp =
          if_seq (file_exists lp)
            ~t:[call [str "cat"; lp]]
            ~e:[say "No logs available for %s" [job]] in
        let screen_file job show_path =
          let tmp = tmp_file "screen-dump" in
            [ env
                [ str "-p"; Screen.window_name job; str "-X"; str "hardcopy"
                ; str "-h"; tmp#path ]
            ; if_seq show_path
                ~t:[printf (str "%s\\n") [tmp#path]]
                ~e:[cat_file job tmp#path] ] in
        parse opts (fun ~anon just_path screen describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ Elist.iter anon ~f:(fun name ->
                    let job = name () in
                    let lp = Job.log_path env job in
                    if_seq screen
                      ~t:[screen_file job just_path]
                        [ if_seq just_path
                            ~t:[printf (str "%s\\n") [lp]]
                              [ if_seq
                                  (Job.Options.no_log env job)
                                    [ say
                                        "Job %s is configured to have no \
                                         logs, try --screen"
                                        [job] ]
                                  ~e:[cat_file job lp] ] ]) ]))

module Status_script = struct
  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "status"
    let description = "Get the status(es) of the processes."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root:_ ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--short"; "-s"] ~doc:"Don't output a ton of info"
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ short describe ->
            let prefix_output = exec ["sed"; "s/^/    |    /"] in
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ if_seq (Screen.is_on env)
                    [ say "Screen in ON" []
                    ; if_seq short ~t:[]
                          [ env ||> prefix_output
                          ; say "  * Windows: %s"
                              [ ~verbose:(bool false) env
                                  [str "-Q"; str "-X"; str "windows"]
                                |> get_stdout_one_line ] ] ]
                  ~e:[say "Screen is OFF" []]
              ; Environment.on_jobs env (fun jobpath ->
                    let job = jobpath in
                    if_seq (Job.is_running env job)
                        [ say "Job `%s`: PID: %s, CPU: %s, STAT: %s"
                            [ job; Job.get_pid env job; Job.ps_cpu env job
                            ; Job.ps_stat env job ]
                        ; if_then (not short)
                            ( call
                                [ str "ps"; str "f"; str "-g"
                                ; Job.get_pid env job ]
                            ||> prefix_output ) ]
                        [ say "Job `%s` is not running (stat: %s)"
                            [ job
                            ; Job.ps_stat_or_fail env job
                              |> get_stdout_one_line ] ]) ]))

module Example_script = struct
  let basic env root =
    let call s = Fmt.str "%s %s" root s in
    let conf = "/tmp/example-basic.d" in
    let cmt fmt = Fmt.str Caml.("# " ^^ fmt) in
    ( "basic"
    , [ cmt "We setup the configuration root path:"
      ; Fmt.str "export %s=%s" (Environment.var_configuration_path env) conf
      ; cmt "Show the current configuration:"
      ; call "config show"
      ; cmt "OK, let's initialize configuration:"
      ; call "config init"
      ; cmt "Let's configure a few jobs:"
      ; call
          {sh|config addjob --name DMesg --no-log -c "watch -c -d -n 30 'dmesg -P'"|sh}
      ; call {sh|config addjob --name Top --no-log -c top|sh}
      ; call
          "config addjob --name Dummy --interpreter 'bash -c' \\\n\
          \    -c 'while true ; do sleep 3 ; echo \"$(date)\" ; done'"
      ; cmt "Show the updated configuration:"
      ; call "config show"
      ; cmt "Show the current status:"
      ; call "status"; cmt "Start everything:"; call "start --all"
      ; cmt "Show the updated status:"
      ; call "status"; cmt "Stop everything:"; call "kill --all"
      ; cmt "Show the updated (short) status:"
      ; call "status --short"
      ; cmt "Destroy the configuration:"
      ; call "config destroy" ] )

  let to_script l =
    let prefix = "#####" in
    let add_prefix pre s =
      String.split ~on:'\n' s |> String.concat ~sep:(Fmt.str "\n%s" pre) in
    let prefix_indent = prefix ^ "  " in
    List.concat_map l ~f:(function
      | s when String.strip s |> String.is_prefix ~prefix:"#" ->
          [ Fmt.str "printf '%s%s\\n'" prefix (String.make 74 '#')
          ; Fmt.str "printf '%s %%s\\n' %s" prefix
              (Filename.quote (add_prefix prefix_indent s))
          ; Fmt.str "printf '%s\n'" prefix ]
      | s ->
          [ Fmt.str "printf '%s >> %%s\\n' %s" prefix
              (Filename.quote (add_prefix prefix_indent s))
          ; s ])
    |> String.concat ~sep:"\n"

  include Gedsl.Script_with_describe (struct
    let name = "example" let description = "Show or run a full example."

  let make ~env () =
    Script.make [name] ~description (fun ~root ->
        let open Gedsl in
        let open Command_line in
        let default_example = "basic" in
        let opts =
          let open Arg in
          flag ["--run"] ~doc:"Also run the example."
          & string ["--name"; "-n"]
                (Fmt.str "Choose the example (default: %S)." default_example)
              ~default:(str default_example)
          & describe_option_and_usage () in
        let run_or_show run example =
          let do_run () =
            let tmp = tmp_file "example-script" in
              [ tmp#set (to_script example |> str)
              ; say "Running as %s" [tmp#path]
              ; call [str "sh"; tmp#path] ] in
          if_seq run ~t:[do_run ()]
              [ printf (str "Example:\\n\\n") []
              ; seq
                  ( example ~f:(fun s ->
                       printf (str "    %s\\n") [str s])) ] in
        parse opts (fun ~anon:_ run example describe ->
            deal_with_describe describe
              [ switch
                  ( [basic env root] ~f:(fun (n, cl) ->
                        case Str.(example =$= str n) [run_or_show run cl])
                  @ [ default
                        [say "Unknown example: %s" [example]; fail "Stopping"]
                    ] ) ]))

  let () =
    let first_sentence =
      "The distribution comes with runnable examples, try \
       `cosc example --help`." in
        ( section "Examples"
        @ extended
            ( Fmt.kstr par "%s Here is the “basic” example:" first_sentence
            @ from (fun ~root env -> code_block (basic env root |> snd)) )
            ~no:(par first_sentence) ))

module Base_script = struct
  let description =
    "Script that is a bit like Docker-compose but with GNU-Screen"

  let make () =
    Script.make [] ~description (fun ~root ->
              [(str "config", str "configuration"); (str "man", str "manual")]
          ~name:root ~description ())

let () =
         ( section "Authors"
         @ Fmt.kstr par "[Seb Mondet]("
         @ section "License"
         @ par
             "The code generator is covered by the Apache 2.0 \
              [license](, the \
              scripts are ISC [licensed]("

The make function drives the generation of the list of scripts.

let make ?default_configuration_path ?default_screen_name ~name ~output_path ()
  let env =
    Environment.make ?default_screen_name ?default_configuration_path name
  let scripts =
    [ Base_script.make ()
    ; Configuration_script.make ()
    ; Configuration_display_script.make ~env ()
    ; Configuration_destroy_script.make ~env ()
    ; Add_job_script.make ~env ()
    ; Init_script.make ~env ()
    ; Remove_job_script.make ~env ()
    ; Start_script.make ~env (); Logs_script.make ~env ()
    ; Attach_script.make ~env (); Kill_script.make ~env ()
    ; Manual_script.make ~env ()
    ; Version_script.make ~env ()
    ; Example_script.make ~env ()
    ; Status_script.make ~env () ] in
  cmdf "mkdir -p %s" output_path ;
  List.iter scripts ~f:(Script.write ~output_path ~root:name) ;
  msg "Done."

Finally the “main” program, uses the venerable Arg module to call make.

let () =
  let anon = ref [] in
  let anon_fun p = anon := p :: !anon in
  let usage = Fmt.str "%s [-help] <path>" Sys.argv.(0) in
  let name = ref None in
  let output_path = ref None in
  let config_path = ref None in
  let screen_name = ref None in
  let output_readme = ref false in
  let module Arg = Caml.Arg in
  let args =
      [ ( "--name"
        , Arg.String (fun s -> name := Some s)
        , Fmt.str "<script-name> Name of the script." )
      ; ( "--configuration-path"
        , Arg.String (fun s -> config_path := Some s)
        , Fmt.str "<path> Path to the default configuration root." )
      ; ( "--screen-name"
        , Arg.String (fun s -> screen_name := Some s)
        , Fmt.str "<name> Force the default screen-session name." )
      ; ( "--output-readme"
        , Arg.Set output_readme
        , Fmt.str " Output the manual to a ``." )
      ; ( "--output-path"
        , Arg.String (fun s -> output_path := Some s)
        , Fmt.str "<script-name> Where to write the scripts." ) ] in
  Arg.parse args anon_fun usage ;
  List.iter !anon ~f:(msg "Ignoring %s") ;
  let die () = Caml.exit 2 in
  let need opt = function
    | Some o -> o
    | None ->
        msg "Option `%s` is mandatory" opt ;
        die () in
  let output_path = need "--output-path" !output_path in
  let name = need "--name" !name in
  make ~name ?default_configuration_path:!config_path
    ?default_screen_name:!screen_name ~output_path () ;
  if !output_readme then (
    msg "Outputting manual to %s/" output_path ;
    cmdf "%s/%s-manual --extended > %s/" output_path name output_path

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